
Chocolate factory / fondue snow run

Since adventure running in Switzerland can be a bit of a challenge in Switzerland in December April and I penciled this this run around a tour of the Cailler/Nestle chocolate factory in Broc just in case a summit of Moleson (link to webcam, CEST = PST + 9hrs) would prove to be unattainable.  We warmed up on country roads for an hour before stopping for the hour long chocolate factory tour.   Afterwards we gorged on some amazing chocolate, recaffienated and made our way over to the town of Gruyere.  The slog up (half of) Moleson was stunningly beautiful.  As the snow deepened just enough our bellies began to growl we hit Moleson village and turned back for a giant pot of boiling cheese in the town which made it famous.  What a run!  The story in pictures ...

The run according to my new Garmin 110.  Thanks Santa!  16 (snow) miles and 3100 ft of cumulative elevation gain.  Bulle in lower right, Broc in lower left, Moleson is the prominent peak.  We got hungry and started losing daylight halfway up.

April on the way over to the chocolate factory

Summit of Moleson from near the town of Bulle.  As an aside I've misspelled Moleson.  There are 4 different types of accent marks that can be placed over the 'e' in French.

Country roads and a forest led the way over to Broc

Mecca, we have arrived!

Cocoa beans.  The whole factory smelled delish.

Is this what aid station tables will look like at races in Switzerland?  There were about 10 stations like this around the room, all free for tasting.  As the back of Aprils SOB 2010 T-shirt asks 'Is it ever possible to have too much of a good thing?'.  Don't ask an ultrarunner.

'Tourisme pedestre' sign near the town of Gruyere.  Cemetary on right, vineyard on left.

Scenic and touristy town of Gruyere.  

Starting up Moleson the way turns from road to paved path to stairs ... 

.... to dirt road.

Cattle trough on the way up towards Moleson.

Snow running/hiking is tough work, but ...

... floating on snow on the descent back towards Gruyere was epic.  Easily one of the best descents of the whole year made even better by the idea of a pot of boiling cheese awaiting at the bottom.

A giant well earned pot of fondue.  Probably not an experience I am eager to repeat but definitely worth a try.

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