
PCRBBT 2010 - the next bad idea

My next bad idea:  the PCRBBT (Pacific Coast Running Biking Brewery Tour).  I have no idea how far I'll make it, or whether I'll get bored or injure myself, but the plan is 1400 miles from Corvallis to San Diego, with a stop for a trail run every day, and a stop at every brewery on the way too.  Should be fun, I've got a good backroads route planned to get to the coast, and then the ACA (Adventure Cycling) maps.   I start tonight with a stop just on this side of the Oregon Coast Range.  Where's Waldo is on 8/21.  It's gonna be a tight squeeze either way. 

Me and the 'fully loaded' rig.

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A broad map of where I'm heading.

Exploded view of inflatable pad, tarptent, sleeping bag and poles.

More exploded view, I mostly just posted this one to show off the drop bag info for Western States:  red sack mile 38, blue sack mile 78.  Too bad I forgot the socks!

Light stuff on the rack:  shelter, pad, bag, and clothes.

Left to right in the homemade pannier:  books, goldbond, handhelds for running, homemade stove, 1st aid kit, lock and cable, toiletries, gear repair, extra water holder.

Closer look at the homemade pannier.  

1 comment:

  1. Your a BEAST! This is not a bad idea at all! I don't know what your talking about!! just be careful after your brewery stops!
