The course is awesome. It’s a modified out and back with a lollipop at the end to prevent runners coming back on each other. Its mostly on the Crest Trail, which of course, is exceptionally well maintained, has great views of Mt Shasta and some neat wildflowers (like Bog Orchids and Quacking Aspen). The race started at 7, which is quite a few hours earlier than I usually like to run. This meant that I was a little late to get food into my stomach, which, come race time, was still sitting in there. I started the race with some stomach queasiness and ultimately never really got over it. I attribute this mostly to getting behind on my salt intake. Even during the entire next day my stomach felt queasy. Nonetheless it was a great shakedown for the 50 miler next weekend. I know I have got to take the hills super easy at 5000 ft altitude, despite my training, and I know I’ve got to take much more salt than I have been.

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