Time heals all wounds so they say, but I've always viewed extended breaks from running with disdain. I haven't really needed or taken one since I started running consistently in 2008, but I have also not dealt with shin splints on the level at which I incurred this year. In the 2 months prior to Javelina Jundred (km) I olny managed a dissapointing half of my preferred weekly miles (25 mpw vs 50 mpw). To really heal this up for the 2012 year I've been taking time off from running, 3 weeks so far, and 1-3 more weeks expected. I'm apprehensive about how those first steps will feel when I get back to it. If my shin still hurts I will have to add another month off and then reassess. The long term goal is to toe the line at Burning River in late July in the best shape I've been, and make an attempt at a sub-24 finish. I haven't decided fully on this race though, there are some other ones in the Midwest that look interesting, including Mohican, but if the injury takes longer to heal than I currently expect I will also look at Georgia Jewel in late September, or Ozark/Pinhoti in early November.

Saturday afternoon bike ride in December? Yes, please.
Having said all that I am not actually frustrated with so much time not running. It feels like an investment in the 2012 running season, and I've found plenty to do between yoga, crossfit (3x per week now), spin and road cycling. Since the road cyling around here is so pleasant, I'm also looking at trying my first century (road cycling 100m) next fall. It's something thats been on my five year plan for at least a few years. Trail running still appeals to me far more than anything else so I have of course been keeping up on my internet running by following yesterdays race in Marin and making up a calendar of races to look at. I'm patiently excited for 2012.
Three Saturdays worth of rides in the country outside of Bloomington