Miles – 89 (14, 54, 15, 00)
Vertical – 6900 (1460, 5600, 0850, 0000)
(Note: the parenthetical numbers are weekly sums, first number is the monthly sum.)
The minor calf injury I incurred turned out to be not so minor after all. I didn’t get past the denial stage until mid-Feb, by which time I had already done a good 15 mile road road at marathon pace +45sec (MP+0:45) and the following day a really fun jaunt up to Mt Tendre and along the crest of the Jura’s to St Cergue. Within a few days of these two effort it became clear that I had to do something dramatic to rehab my calf, and I ended up taking a full 9 days off. It was quite tough. I had way too much energy, too much free time and wasn’t able to concentrate as well on work.
Positive signs abound however. My calf seems to be doing much better this week. I managed a 18 mile road run yesterday after a track session on Friday. My road run, as prep for Zurich Marathon in 6 weeks, was about 20 seconds per mile slower than I wanted. I’m not sure if that means my target race pace is overly optimistic, I had an off day, or I was fatigued from the intervals the day before. Regardless it’s great to return to some semblance of focused training after spending January with the flu and almost all of February with a pulled calf. The track session was my first set of intervals in 9 weeks, but the pace didn’t really seem that off because of it, on Friday I ran 3x1600@6:28 versus 11x800@3:10 in late December. Finally, I saw the first wildflower of spring in bloom on a run this week. All in all I am very optimistic about the coming good weather, making a good effort at Zurich marathon in 6 weeks, and finally getting back into the mountains.
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