
Training for WS is done

            Training for Western States is officially done.  Phew, I am tired!  With 21 days until the race, it's taper time.  It's been so long since I've run on fresh legs I can hardly imagine what it'll be like.  The last few months of training have been very rewarding, but tough.  Without further adieu, the nitty gritty ...

22 - total weeks of training
1123 - total number of miles run this year (and since I got back from hiking the AT)
52/32/73 - average/max/min weekly mileage
2 - 70+ mile weeks, my first two ever
50 - longest single run at Capitol Peak
7/6/1/1 - number of 20ish, 30ish, 40ish and 50ish mile runs
9000 - greatest cumulative elevation gain (in feet) on a run
26/23/15/8 - cumulative summits of McCollough Peak, Dimple Hill, Bald Hill, and Mulkey Ridge

            Judging by some of the running blogs I have been reading, 70 mile weeks are not a problem for many.  However since they are significantly more than I'm used to, they were tough for me.  Its seems like all my runs for the last few weeks have been done on tired achy legs.  I feel slow.  I can't remember the last time I ran up a hill.  I made some mid-season adjustments based on my performance at Capitol Peak 50m.   I altered my training a bit to include more flats.  The Mcdonald Forest outside Corvallis OR is hilly enough.  I added some morning after runs too, i.e. doing 3-5 hrs on Saturday afternoon and going out for an hour or two on Sunday morning.  They were very challenging and very humbling.  Running on tired dead legs is not particularly fun, but I'm sure it'll help during the race.  The other change I've made is to add some yoga classes.  I'm still dealing with some posterior chain tightness issues, which I think are contributing to the Plantar fasciitis that I still have not been able to kick.  I think streching and tapering will really help though.  The big issue is the weather.  The PNW has been cool and wet this spring.  I've got to find some place to run in the heat and at altitude over the next few weeks.  But since I've finally finished my PhD I should be able to get out and do just that.  For the next week I'm on running vacation.  I think I'll stick with short easy runs in the Columbia River Gorge and the Kalmiopsis Wilderness and will stop to take lots of pictures.  

Weekly mileage for 2010

Cumulative summits for 2010

Distribution of weekly mileages for 2010, compare to 2009 below.

Distribution of weekly mileages for first 9 months of 2009

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